Guess what? The American Whippet Club Nationals 2012 will take place in Huron, Ohio.That's a mere hop, skip and jump from where Kobe and I live. WRAP (Whippet Rescue and Placement), our fabulous rescue organization will have a slideshow of rescued dogs at their table. Not only that, WRAP is having a parade! The parade will feature rescued whippets and we each get a turn in the ring along with a two paragraph biography.
Now I'm not sure if we are actually going. After all, we are dogs who don't really get along with other dogs. I guess that might preclude attending an event full of other dogs and staying at a hotel with hundreds of other dogs. But, we'll see! I'm hopeful! Now I'll decide what I'm going to wear...
Toodles, Barcelona
Now I'm not sure if we are actually going. After all, we are dogs who don't really get along with other dogs. I guess that might preclude attending an event full of other dogs and staying at a hotel with hundreds of other dogs. But, we'll see! I'm hopeful! Now I'll decide what I'm going to wear...
Toodles, Barcelona