Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A Turd is a Turd is a Turd

paw on mouse
My paw on the mouse
I’ve been surfing the web and reading other dog’s blogs. One is a provocative website written by some pit bulls rescued from the Michael Vick case.  One dog, Grace, has been blogging since her rescue in 2007 or 2008 which you can read at
 Now they have a pretty sweet life. And I appreciate the emphasis on the present, not the past. But, it made me think about Mr. Vick, someone with a vague resemblance to a human being.
Not to say he doesn't have his supporters! But then so did Hitler; (as you know, throwing out Hitler’s name always helps solidify whatever argument you’re making!)
Well, you may like Michael Vick and think he’s a swell guy and great football player; but there’s no guarantee that he’s going to treat anyone better than he treated these dogs, many of whom he killed in a gruesome manner.  There is lots of research on animal abusers and the likelihood that they abuse others, domestic partners, elders, children, etc. And in this dog’s opinion, he deserved to go to prison. Remember the cartoon titled “Jury of his Peers?” 
A Jury of His Peers

So kudos to Grace and the rest for going on to have a good life after encountering that waste of skin. Thanks also to the rescuers and all those others working to end cruelty towards animals. The best revenge IS living well.
And why is the Humane Society of the United States now working with this sadist who is doing public announcements since he is supposedly reformed? Face it, the reason he stopped is because he got caught. 
 You Michael Vick are a turd, turd, turd. No offense to any fine turds out there.
