Saturday, November 24, 2012

A Summer Weekend

     Now that it's fall, my mind wanders back to our summer adventures. Kobe, our humans and I were heading up north for a long weekend. At first, we anxiously noticed the suitcases coming out. But, when the Milkbone® biscuits and squeaky toys got packed, we knew that this time we were going along. 
     As we drove along we saw a motel along the road. It will remain unnamed for soon-to-be obvious reasons. Nearby there was a very nice doghouse with a St. Bernard in front. His name, Barney, adorned the house. He seemed like a friendly enough sort, but when I sniffed him he didn’t sniff back and had no dog smell! What the hay?
      Turns out he’s just a statue. But, he’s sitting in front of a perfectly serviceable dog house.  So, Barney did offer some respite for a weary traveler.  
    Well, I am the product of good breeding and I conduct myself as a lady. As such I prefer to do “my business” in private. When the opportunity arose for me to use the necessary away from prying eyes, I took it! Is that so wrong?
     I did NOT understand why everyone erupted in hysterical giggles as I discretely went in the cool recesses of Barney's home. Not to worry my dear audience, they cleaned up after I was done, but not without enjoying a good laugh at my expense. 
     Well that was the highlight of our vacation. Since I do not kayak, don’t like the water and was not offered an ice cream cone or taken out to a nice dinner, I’m afraid the trip had little to offer.  So much for another tepid adventure.
Toodles, Barcelona