Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Winter is So Yesterday

This whippet is sooo sick of winter. Looking at the soggy disgusting landscape, I see heaps of grey snow and pieces of ice littering the yard. The back deck is crusted over with sharp crusts of ice which are painful to our tender paws. Goodness, when is spring coming?

I try to pace the yard watching for critters but quickly get chilled even when wearing a coat. I long for the days when Kobe and I can lounge in the sun on the deck furniture. Do you think we could persuade the humans to take us somewhere warm?

No, instead they took us even further north so we can freeze walking down the shore of Lake Michigan with the wind howling.  On the flip side there were some awesome smells on the beach (dead fish, essence of goose, duck, even a little eagle).

 Later, inside I indulge in a bout of fantasizing about a more comfortable scene.  
Kobe on the Beach (not a warm one though!)
Here it is:  Kobe and I are taken to our dream vacation. We are lying on soft beds on a warm beach and sunning ourselves in the tropical warmth.  Greyhounds (OK, golden retrievers or beagles, who  cares?) are fanning us with palm fronds and feeding us slivers of Milkbone dog biscuits.) Cool, fruity drinks  arrive on silver platters for us to sample.

Occasionally we would race around the sand just to keep our sleek muscles firm. Then, we go back to lounging in the
breezes and sunshine. Until the temperature comes up, I’ll have to stay warm with my daydreams.  Here’s to spring!

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