Sunday, November 27, 2011

Barcie the Blogger's Bio

NameBarcelona; Barcie for short. In my previous life my name was Precious, my AKC name was Carjo’s Jumpin’ Jitters. (Eeek!)
Birthplace: Racine, WI. Rescued by WRAP (Whippet Rescue and Placement) nearly three years ago.
Early childhood:  I was being groomed to be a show dog and attended some AKC (American Kennel Club) events. One of my original owners died and things got a little crazy.
Family:  my littermate, brother Kobe and my two humans. We are a nuclear family in Ypsilanti, MI.
Favorite food:  liverwurst. The humans bake it to perfection to use as treats when they reaaaaaly want us to do something.
My figure:  I have a coat with what is called a “watermark”, a rich swirl of white and chestnut. I am sporting a few scars from my old life as well as a one or two recent ones.  (I’ll ‘splain later)
Romantic Interest:  Guenther.  He’s a whippet my size in town and we have raced together at the Ann Arbor Dog Park. On him I bestow my greatest praise:  he’s so fast!
Life Goal: to be the lead singer of the rock band “Little ‘Lona and the Whippets.” I need to learn to sing first though.

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